Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

The thing that I find so humorous in this day and age is that I literally can’t have a discussion about any sort of subject with out mentioning technology or having it be the forefront of the discussion. Within that realm I count all social media and applications. For me, the way about looking for a job was to go physically go to an establishment and ask for a written application that was filled out and depending on how good you were get a follow up with a manager. This was all within the span of about a week. Facebook and social media have changed the game and have in some cases cut that time in half. Now, jobs are looking more and more toward social media to determine if a person has a position or not. More than ever people have to be more careful about what they post because employers will reference people’s social media pages to make decisions on somebody’s character and ultimately decide the future of somebody’s career. But not only that, the connection possibilities that the general public have with social networks are outstanding. The ability for employers to search for people even without taking a single application, because your profile page is your resume and application. Everybody has a chance but that also makes it possible to only target certain people and others will get discriminated upon, but at least no one knows about you being discriminatory. What a world we live in today where the want and need for face to face personal communication is dying at an alarming its amazing that everybody isn’t growing or developing and all looking at the same thing getting stupider and stupider by the moment. Good job modern times.

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