Products have been a cornerstone of American culture for a
very long time. The American people are built to buy this and acquire that.
Since so much purchasing and so many types of products are out there to buy,
the products we buy are starting to say multitudes about ourselves and our character.
For myself, I think I have a specific set of products that I buy that say a lot
about my character. For starters, the first product is something that I bought
when I first could buy anything with the money I’ve earned, Ray Bans
sunglasses. When I was a sophomore in high school I got my first job at a
restaurant and with all the money that I was getting I had nothing to spend it
on other than gas. So I saved up to buy a pair of brand new Ray Bans. I’ve had them
ever since and will continue to buy them when I need sunglasses. The second
product that explains my personality is vinyl records. This product is more
recent, this started around a year ago, but the want for them is exponentially
growing. Since the vinyl is so expensive to buy new and so rare to find a used
one of the specific records that you want, the records that you do acquire say
a lot about not only your taste in music but the type of personality you have.
Lastly the products that actually say the most about me are my musical instruments.
Most of my musical instruments are acoustic, which explains my analog rather
than digital persona and anything that is digital is always bought for its
looks. I would rather buy something that looks like it’s a lot higher end than
it actually is or sometimes the opposite, I will spend a lot of money on something
like a microphone that looks cool but it looks a lot nicer than it is. American
culture at its best, buy it NOW!!!
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