Monday, June 6, 2016


The definition of promotion would be "to communicate with target customers about the offering and persuade them of its merits." As far as merits go, our merit would be getting these snacks here all the way from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka according to the story of Phileas Fogg is in a war with wild tigers that have suddenly influxes their population in Sri Lanka. The promotion for this will be just as exciting. Commercials with action packed war scenes that have tiger attacks and explosions. Fighting for your life and trudging through a war zone. Barely escaping a tremendously dangerous situation and barely escaping with your life and your favorite snack food. " increasing the product’s promotion may require more salespeople, advertising, and public relations efforts." Another way to promote this product would be through events. Since the product is international, we will have contests and raffles for people that buy the product for trips to Sri Lanka and other exotic island locations. Not only that but holding events for taste testing to promote new flavors or celebration old favorites with the trademark Phileas Fogg adventure commercials, video specials, and spirit that can only be captured by the creators of the company that prides itself on action and adventure. Promotion, Promotion, Promotion. Getting the word out there is the objective and these big events shall solve the problem with making people familiar with the product and so enough that people would prefer it to other snack foods. Not stopping at just TV and Radio, promotion in the grocery store itself will be the last stitch effort to drive people to buy the product through promotion, directing people on where to find it.

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